Pink and Golden Beetroots tossed with bulgur wheat & toasted pumpkin seeds
I made it. I love it. Its delicious. But not really sure what else to say about it... other than its much prettier in real life. My pics just don't do it justice. Definitely one to keep up your sleeve when entertaining.
I got my hands on some beautiful rainbow beets from the local village market. I love it when I find 'artisan' veg. I get such a kick out of using extraordinary things. These pink stripy beets are much prettier raw (and I have a killer raw beet salad for another day), and the golden ones well they just throw your taste buds out as so easily mistaken for something else. Roasting them is best, I just wrap them in foil, skin and all and roast in oven till soft (approx. 45 mins).
The honeyed sesame seed yoghurt dressing and lots of fresh lemon juice takes this salad to the next level but its the roasted pumpkin seeds that give it a real wow factor. Its really good!
You will need
4 - 5 assorted beetroots (2 golden, 2 pink and 1 dark red)
6 radishes finely sliced
1 cup bulgur wheat
1 cup water
few leaves of rocket
few sprigs coriander
handful of pumpkin seeds
For the dressing:
1 1/2 tbsp. toasted sesame seeds
3 tbsp low fat yoghurt
lemon juice
garlic clove crushed
1 tsp runny honey
a little water to thin it out