It's been a wee while lovelies but we are alive and kicking, and happy to be back.
To say I've missed my cooking would be an understatement and with two kiddies now bringing new challenges I still struggle to find the time but I couldn't wait any longer. I felt it was time. Time to start blogging, cooking, baking, photographing and thought I would give it a whirl with these little bad boys.
This post is dedicated to a very wise old lass and one of my dearest and oldest friends who sent me a pic and I had to get the recipe so thank you Mrs Warren T.
Why in the past did home-made bread seem so daunting...and I thought my mom's Ciabatta recipe was easy but this takes EASY to another level. Makes me wonder why my husband was so insistent on putting that bread machine on our wedding registry which has probably made about five guest appearances.
I love the fact that this recipe comes from South Africa and that you can have fresh bread on the table in half an hour, with no kneading and a bottle of beer.
I added different flavours to create four different mini breads, Chorizo, sun-kissed tomatoes, mozzarella and rosemary.
I reckon it would also make great 'braai broodjies' (BBQ bread) where you stuff the dough with cheese and place on the BBQ.

You will need:
1 bottle of beer
500g self raising flour
1 teaspoon of salt
Whatever you would like to add for flavour (Chorizo, mozzarella, sun-kissed tomatoes, olives, cheddar cheese, rosemary, pesto)Method:
1) It's as simple as mix flour, beer and salt together to form a dough which is a little sticky.
2) Divide into four, mix in different flavours and place into greased tins. Spray and cook works well to grease the tins as the edges can be a little sharp.
3) Bake in preheated oven 180degrees for 30 mins.
Note: the tins can be a little tricky to get the bread out of, but you can use any tin to bake in.